Category:Carrie Graf

This is the category for Carrie Graf, an Australian basketball coach. Refresh this list to see the latest articles. 7 December 2012: WNBL’s Sydney Uni Flames decisively beat Canberra Capitals 29 September 2012: Canberra Capitals beat Chinese women’s national B basketball team in pre-season 21 May 2012: Raw Opals spend
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Large creature loose in London suburb

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 Police organized a search in the Sydenham Park area of south-east London after a local, Anthony Holder, was attacked by a 6ft long black animal while looking for his kitten in his back yard that borders a woodland. Holder said the animal pounced, knocked him to
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Australian Budget for 2006-2007 released

Tuesday, May 9, 2006The Australian Budget (Appropriation Bill No. 1) for 2006-2007 was released by the Australian Liberal Party–Australian National Party coalition government treasurer, Peter Costello (Higgins, Liberal). Costello noted the resilience of the economy against natural disasters and terrorism, and through “disciplined and prudent management” the Government was able
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